Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Coming back to life...

There's been a storm in my life for a long time now, that recently got significantly worse. My prayer for months has been "'s been a LONG winter." You've seen my posts on that subject before. God always responded with His promise  -"Spring is coming."

It was hard, but it was enough. The hope was enough. Because He always keeps His word.

But I think it's finally safe to say that Spring is here.

And like a lot of things, it doesn't come as we expected. But it always, always, always brings life.

The seasonal Spring on earth might vary in date, temperature and color. It might bud forth on one tree and not another. It might leap forth from the earth in green grass and lazy wildflowers, or it might arrive with a dusting of snow. It always looks a bit different.

So the specifics change, but the message remains timeless.


Spring is here. For earth, for me, and for you, if you're ready to allow new growth.

Here's the thing - my circumstances haven't changed (that I can see) Not yet.

But I have.

Spring didn't come in the form that I'd originally hoped, in the tangible, situational form from God of "I've fixed this now" or "I've taken this away" or "I've provided this now", it came a lot deeper than that. It came with life. IN ME. Jesus in me. Everlasting life IN ME.

Spring in me.

So yes, Spring has arrived in all its glorious splendor. And while I know that just like there's always the potential for one last freeze in early Spring, there will still be occasional clouds that invoke shivers instead of sunlight in my spirit. There will still be moments where winter's chill creeps back in and threatens to take over my heart. But that victory is already won. Moments are temporary and Jesus is fighting those for me in advance. He's so much bigger!! And He's not afraid of any season. He's there with you, and me, in them all.

And I have a pretty good feeling that Spring is far from over :)


  1. I feel the exact same way! Spring is definitely here; not just in the physical. All things are becoming new. =) Thanks for this reminder!


  2. I have a long standing struggle too & its been getting to me. Yesterday I had a bit of a breakdown and I realize that it's not going to change, I need to work on changing my perspective.
